Customer Testimonials

 “We piloted the Work Together Anywhere workshop with several teams at Rabobank. I can see a difference between the teams who took the workshop and the teams that didn’t. Teams who followed the workshop are having more effective remote stand-up meetings, retrospectives and planning sessions. They meet on time with fewer technical difficulties and use a digital board to make work visible and track progress. It’s no longer a big deal for them to be remote.” – Robbert Windsant (Scrum master at Rabobank)


“My team adopted some of the tools we learned about in the Work Together Anywhere workshop and it has made our weekly calls so much more engaging.” – Cedric Borzee (Learning Services Director | CrossKnowledge UKI & Nordics – Member of Wiley Group)


“I was so impressed with my experience that I signed up to become a facilitator… and I’ve incorporated it into my coaching practice.” – Andrew Kidd (Transformation Coach at Barclaycard)


“The Work Together Anywhere workshop has helped us immeasurably in building a successful & happy new distributed team.” – Mark Wightman (CTO at


“The Work Together Anywhere workshop provided me insights into new ways and tools for remote collaboration. Because of this, our company switched from in-person trainings to remote ones.” – Milenko Bugueno (Co-Founder at Agile Moves GmbH)


“The Work Together Anywhere Workshop gives you facts based on the large amount of interviews… with the actual experiences from the people who are really successful.” – Johan Nyberg (Change and Transformation Leadership | Agile Enterprise Coach | Management Trainer | Lean & Agile Governance)


“I’ve been looking for work online to supplement my family’s travel budget. The Work Together Anywhere Workshop gave me confidence in my ability to work remotely.” – Bernie Mitchell (Blogger | Podcaster | Freelancer)


“After taking the Work Together Anywhere workshop, I felt confident enough to actively promote myself as an agile coach for remote teams. I use it as a way to differentiate myself from the competition.” – Dawn Wesolek (Career Coach, Remote Working Specialist, Agile Business Coach and Entrepreneur)


“The Work Together Anywhere workshop reinforced an appreciation for setting up a high quality environment. It’s the little things – sound quality, background noise – that help add to the softer aspects of team building.” –Kevin Miyashiro (Principal & Founder at Agile Gurus)


“I got a very good overview over all important tools and techniques of remote work, so that I now feel comfortable enough starting with the first virtual classroom at the music academy.” –Regina Brandhuber (Agile Music Coach und Promotionsstudentin an der Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg, Musikpädagogin, Komponistin)


“After the workshop, our teams started experimenting with how to best have productive meetings with in person and remote attendees. I also scheduled virtual lunches with people and made some new personal connections with a couple of team mates.” –Bianca Roitsch (Scrum Master/Agile Coach at movingimage)