Why virtual coworking rocks

Virtual coworking is the same as working in a physical coworking space, except you meet online. And the benefits for remote workers (and beyond) are great. Seeing where everyone is in the virtual office makes colleagues feel more accessible and gives the team an incredible sense of togetherness.

Virtual coworking has emerged as a powerful solution to bridge the physical gaps and foster collaboration among professionals from all corners of the globe. It allows individuals to seek flexibility, productivity, and a sense of belonging. This innovative approach brings many benefits, revolutionizing how we work and interact with our peers.

There are many virtual coworking tools to choose from. Check out our ever-growing list.


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Attend our public virtual coworking events for a dynamic blend of productivity and fun! Imagine having a dedicated partner who keeps you accountable and motivated as you tackle your tasks. Whether you’re working on a big project or want to power through your to-do list, our coworking sessions provide the structure and support you need.


The benefits of virtual coworking

IT FEELS LIKE PEOPLE ARE AROUND. If you use a virtual coworking space, you can work from wherever you are – but with a button, you can go to and talk to others. Seeing where everyone is on the virtual floor plan creates a sense of presence. You no longer need to schedule a meeting to talk to someone. Instead, virtually knock on someone’s door.

“You’re a virtual door knock away from giving others the answer they need to go full speed ahead with what they’re doing. You’re not sending an email. You’re not scheduling a meeting. I can pop in, get an answer, and move ahead. Accessibility and visibility are important because we’re building something together and need each other. Sococo is the lifeline to my teammates.” – Sococo’s Carrie Kuempel

TEAM-BUILDING. Working together with people in a virtual coworking space can contribute to feeling more of a sense of camaraderie. Because people virtually surround us, we feel less alone and more a part of the group.

INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY. Virtual coworking can create a sense of accountability and structure, similar to working in a physical office. It helps maintain focus and discipline, reducing distractions while working from home. Additionally, being part of a virtual coworking community can foster motivation and a collaborative atmosphere.

REDUCED MEETINGS. Working together online allows you to interact as if you were in the same room together. You can focus on something, quickly go and ask a question and then get back to work without losing flow or scheduling a meeting sometime in the future.

EXPERIENCE E-SERENDIPITY. When you are in a physical coworking space, there’s an element of surprise and randomness in meeting new people. It works the same way online. When you see someone popping into the kitchen, you can join them at the virtual water cooler and say hello.

“SEE” WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING. Virtual coworking spaces allow you to see what everyone is doing in real-time. It allows for a new way of being “present” with each other. 

WORK WITH PEOPLE FROM ANYWHERE. Physical coworking limits you to meeting those in the exact location you are. Virtual coworking allows you to work with people from all over the world. And we all know that diversity is a remote team superpower!

24/7 ACCESS. Physical coworking spaces usually have set hours when you can be there. A virtual coworking space is always open.

COST SAVINGS. By utilizing virtual coworking spaces, individuals can avoid the expenses associated with traditional office setups, such as rent, utilities, and commuting costs. It can be a more cost-effective option for freelancers, entrepreneurs, or small businesses.

CLIMATE IMPACT. By not commuting, virtual coworkers help reduce carbon emissions and environmental footprints.


Virtual Coworking Etiquette

COLLABORATE & SHARE KNOWLEDGE. Virtual coworking spaces thrive on collaboration and knowledge sharing. Contribute to discussions, share ideas, and offer support or assistance when appropriate. Foster a positive and inclusive environment for everyone involved.

RESPECT PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY. Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others by refraining from recording or sharing any content without permission.

FOLLOW PLATFORM-SPECIFIC RULES & GUIDELINES. Different virtual coworking platforms may have their own rules and guidelines. Familiarize yourself with the platform’s features and etiquette for smooth and respectful interactions.

EXAMPLE. The Virtual Team Talk community ran a coworking space in Sococo for years. Here is a sample of some of their virtual coworking etiquette:

  • When you enter a room, you may or may not see and hear others, depending on whether their mics and cameras are on.
  • Feel free to say “Hi” and then get on with the work. There is no expectation that you will have to converse with the people in the room. (If you don’t want to converse/hear/see others, place yourself in the Quiet Room.)
  • If you’re unsure whether you are interrupting a meeting or disturbing someone by entering their room, you can virtually knock on their door.
  • If you don’t want anyone to join you in a room (i.e., you are having a meeting and the Private Meeting room is in use), place yourself in a room with walls and close the door.​


More virtual coworking resources

Tools for remote teams

77 – How Do We Know What People Are Doing On Remote Teams?

137 – How To Stay Social While Working Remotely

152 – Diversity Is A Remote Team Superpower

66 – Get Ready For The Future Of Work With Stephan Dohrn

8 – Extreme Results Oriented Working With Yegor Bugayenko

4 – Humanize Remote Work With Pilar Orti



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